[110070] Tlchargement Gratuit de CCleaner Professional / Business / Technician
“ŠeŽÒFRolandHaupe “Še“úF2025/02/12(Wed) 13:33 [•ÔM]
Prsentation de CCleaner CCleaner Professional est un outil complet conu pour nettoyer votre PC des fichiers inutiles, supprimer les cookies et vider automatiquement les caches des navigateurs. Il fonctionne silencieusement en arrire-plan et aide maintenir votre systme optimis, scuris et priv.
CCleaner est lfoutil numro un pour nettoyer votre PC sous Windows, protger votre confidentialit en ligne et rendre votre ordinateur plus rapide et plus scuris. Grce son interface conviviale, mme les dbutants peuvent optimiser leur systme en un seul clic. Pour les utilisateurs avancs, il propose une gamme de fonctionnalits avances.
Cet outil dfoptimisation du systme et de protection de la vie prive supprime les fichiers inutiliss, permettant ainsi Windows de fonctionner plus rapidement et de librer de lfespace prcieux sur le disque dur. Il efface galement les traces de votre activit en ligne, comme lfhistorique Internet.
CCleaner peut tre excut partir dfun lecteur USB et install ou lanc sur un ordinateur sans processus dfinstallation compliqu. Vous pouvez spcifier les fichiers, dossiers et cls de registre ignorer lors du nettoyage. Il sfagit dfun outil rapide qui sfexcute gnralement en moins dfune seconde et ne contient ni spyware ni adware.
Fonctionnalits de CCleaner Nettoyage automatique des navigateurs : Efface vos navigateurs automatiquement lorsque vous les fermez. Mises jour automatiques : Tlcharge et installe la dernire version ds qufelle est disponible. Excution en arrire-plan : Faites fonctionner CCleaner en arrire-plan lorsque vous nfutilisez pas votre ordinateur. Suppression des fichiers inutiles : limine les fichiers temporaires et inutiles qui occupent de lfespace et ralentissent votre PC. Gestion du dmarrage : Empche les applications de se lancer au dmarrage de votre PC pour amliorer sa rapidit. Nettoyage des applications Windows : Supprime mme les applications Windows par dfaut que vous ne souhaitez pas conserver. Dfragmentation du disque : Optimise votre disque dur pour de meilleures performances. Rcupration de fichiers : Rcuprez facilement les fichiers supprims. Inventaire matriel : Fournit des informations dtailles sur votre matriel.
Configuration requise et dtails techniques Systmes dfexploitation pris en charge : Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Mmoire) : 2 Go (4 Go recommands) Espace libre sur le disque dur : 500 Mo ou plus Comment tlcharger et installer CCleaner Tlcharger : Cliquez sur le lien de tlchargement fourni pour obtenir CCleaner Professional / Business / Technician pour Windows. Installer : Excutez le programme dfinstallation tlcharg et suivez les instructions lfcran. Lancer : Ouvrez CCleaner et commencez optimiser votre systme en un seul clic. Conclusion CCleaner Professional / Business / Technician est un outil essentiel pour garder votre PC Windows propre, rapide et scuris. Grce sa large gamme de fonctionnalits et son interface conviviale, il convient aussi bien aux dbutants qufaux utilisateurs avancs. Download: https://filessoft.net/apps/ccleaner
[110069] cretsiz Wondershare PDFelement Professional ndir
“ŠeŽÒFKennethNon “Še“úF2025/02/12(Wed) 12:50 [•ÔM]
ondershare PDFelement Professional, PDF dosyalarn zahmetsizce dzenlemenize olanak tanyan profesyonel dzeyde bir yazlmdr. Bu ok ynl ara, PDF belgelerindeki metinleri, grselleri, sayfalar, arka planlar, filigranlar, balklar, stbilgileri ve altbilgileri dzenlemenizi salar. Belge stilini gelitirerek yaz tiplerini dzenleyebilir ve boyutlarn ynetebilirsiniz.
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Wondershare PDFelement Professional'n Temel zellikleri PDF Ama ve Okuma: XFA tabanl PDF formlarn kolayca okuyun ve doldurun. Gelimi Grafik Dzenleme: Dndrme, yanstma, krpma gibi grafik tabanl nesneler zerinde gelimi dzenlemeler yapn. Gelimi OCR Teknolojisi: Daha doru OCR tanma ve tablo alglama; sanal sunucularla uyumludur. Kapsaml PDF Aralar: PDF oluturma ve dzenleme iin ihtiyacnz olan tm aralara eriin. ok Dilli Destek: ngilizce, Franszca, Almanca, spanyolca, Portekizce, talyanca, Japonca, Hollandaca ve ince dillerini destekler. apraz Platform Uyumluluu: Windows, Mac, iOS ve Android platformlarnda kullanlabilir. Kullanc Dostu Arayz: Minimalist ama gl bir arayz ile verimli aln. Lisans Ynetimi: Gruplar ve ekipler arasnda lisanslar salama, takip etme ve ynetme esneklii sunar. Sistem Gereksinimleri ve Teknik Detaylar Desteklenen letim Sistemleri: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Bellek): 2 GB RAM (4 GB nerilir) Bo Sabit Disk Alan: 400 MB veya daha fazla Wondershare PDFelement Professional Nasl ndirilir ve Kurulur? ndir: Wondershare PDFelement Professional ykleyicisini edinmek iin salanan indirme balantsna tklayn. Kurulum: ndirilen ykleyici dosyasn an ve ekrandaki talimatlar izleyerek kurulumu tamamlayn. Balat: Kurulum tamamlandktan sonra PDFelement Professionalf balatn ve PDF belgelerinizi dzenlemeye balayn. Sonu Wondershare PDFelement Professional, nemli belgelerinizle almay basitletiren hepsi bir arada bir PDF zmdr. Kapsaml zellikleri ve kullanc dostu arayz sayesinde, ofis belgelerinizi hzl ve etkili bir ekilde dntrmek iin mkemmel bir aratr. Download:https://softvtech.com/apps/wondershare-pdfelement-pro
Free download ELOoffice 11.02.004 full version standalone offline installer for Windows PC,
ELOoffice Overview
ELOoffice allows you to archive your documents in line with legal requirements. Thanks to the option to store your files in long-term formats, you can ensure your data will remain available in the long run. Use your smartphone to easily capture paper documents and transfer them to your ELO repository. Access your files at any time while out of the office.
With ELOoffice, you can use the provided template repository structure and analyze your business documents with a single click. Keep an overview of your data at all times. ELOoffice manages all your files in one central location whether scanned papers or digital documents.
Work in your familiar environment with ELOoffice: Create documents in Microsoft Office and store them in your ELO repository itfs easy. Use your smartphone to easily capture paper documents and transfer them to your ELO repository. Access your files at any time while out of the office.
Features of ELOoffice
Organize and manage documents in a secure, central repository. Capture documents while away on business and access files from a mobile device. Maintain customer files, invoices, and project data in one system.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Supported OS: Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 /Windows 7 Processor: Multi core Intel Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended) Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended
Free Download Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 Pre-Activated Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 is the premier imaging and graphic design software, renowned for its powerful tools and advanced features that cater to photographers, designers, and artists. This version comes pre-activated, providing a hassle-free installation experience, and includes a portable version for added convenience.
Overview of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024: Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 offers the most advanced tools for image editing and creative design, significantly enhancing performance and usability. This version allows users to edit images with exceptional precision and provides intuitive tools for creating 3D graphics, 2D projects, and films. Whether youfre a professional photographer, a graphic designer, or an illustrator, Photoshop CC 2024 has everything you need to bring your creative ideas to life.
Key Features of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024: Frame Tool for Easy Masking: Quickly create and manage image masks. Content-Aware Fill Reimagined: Improved tool for seamless object removal and background replacement. New Multiple Undo Mode: Enhanced undo functionality for efficient editing. Usability Improvements: Streamlined interface and workflow enhancements. Transform Proportionally by Default: Easier scaling of objects while maintaining proportions. Prevent Accidental Panel Moves with Lock Workspace: Secure your workspace layout. Live Blend Mode Preview: Instantly see the effects of blend modes on your image. Symmetry Mode: Create perfectly symmetrical patterns and designs. Color Wheel to Choose Colors: Easily select and experiment with colors. Improved In-App Learning: Enhanced tutorials and guides within the application. Preference to Increase UI Size: Customize the interface size for better visibility. Support for Southeast Asian Scripts: Expanded language support. Modernized Compositing Engine: Improved performance for complex projects. System Requirements and Technical Details: Processor: Intel or AMD processor with 64-bit support; 2 GHz or faster processor Operating System: Windows 10 or later RAM: 2 GB or more of RAM (8 GB recommended) Hard Disk Space: 3.1 GB or more of available hard disk space for 64-bit installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system) Monitor Resolution: 1024 x 768 display (1280 x 800 recommended) with 16-bit color and 512 MB or more of dedicated VRAM; 2 GB is recommended Graphics Processor Acceleration Requirements: OpenGL 2.0-capable system Conclusion: Adobe Photoshop CC 2024 pre-activated version offers a comprehensive set of tools for professional-grade image editing, graphic design, and digital art creation. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, it empowers users to achieve their creative visions effortlessly. Download now to experience the cutting-edge capabilities of Adobe Photoshop CC 2024.